10 Mart 2025 Pazartesi


Our purpose as TABIDER- Agriculture Awareness Improvement Association is;

To infuse agricultural consciousness from production to consumption on make our farmers more profitable pruduction, ensure consumers' access to healthy and safe food easier. This is worthy of Turkey, which is an agricultural country.

Today agriculture is gaining value in a global sense. The reasons for these;

. World population is progressively increases,

. Everyday disappearance and urbanization of agricultural land and green space,

. Health problems linked to hunger and malnutrition,

. In the form of increasing climate change and drought.

Applying modern farming techniques in developed countries and many states, raising the living standards of its citizens, farming thanks to gains by providing great opportunities.

Even though innovations of technology serves modern facilities to agricultural sector, unfortunately old methods are still using; so to raise awareness of the farmer as it is very important in this sense.

Because widely referenced traditional, father-coming methods of farming activities, causing the contamination of natural resources, creating pollution, both in nature and leads to threats to human health. In addition, our country is located in a climatic zone where the drought in terms of irrigation sources. Naturally, farmers prefer to abandon their wild irrigation and less water spent cultivating plant varieties and modern agricultural aware that the transfer of profitable production, the modernization of irrigation systems are gaining importance for our water efficiency.

As TABIDER our role is while raising awareness our farmers, to make environment less affected, to increase the production quality and rural life prosperity, to create ground to provide consumers with better quality and healthy products.

Earnings growth and prosperity in the rural areas will add value to the economy of our country.

Our country can produce very valuable agricultural product and Turkey can reach the potential to whole world that a branded agriculture.

Our nation and we are involved in agriculture, we have the abilities to achieve this.